What a fun week! Granny arrived on Monday to help Mommy get ready for the birthday party. She was so much help to Mommy and of course, we had a great time with her. We went to the NICU on Wednesday to see some of the people who took care of us for so long. Mommy didn't take one picture that day but everyone was so glad to see us there. Grammy and Granddaddy stopped by for a little bit on Friday night to deliver some birthday gifts. This week was full of surprises. Poppy was supposed to arrive on Friday night but instead he came on Thursday night with Aunt Kristen. Also Uncle Mark came, too, on Thursday. Uncle Mark and Poppy got stuck with having to put our new playhouse together. It took them all day but it sure was worth it (at least we think so). The biggest surprise was a little bit into our party Uncle Michael walked in the door. No one except GAMA had any idea he was coming so we were all so surprised. The only bad part about the weekend was that Kitt was sick so Mommy had to take her to the doctor the day of the party. She seems to be feeling a lot better now so we are all glad for that. Most of our closest friends came to our party and we are so glad to be loved by so many people. Mommy made a video of the year so you can check it out below. Mommy also wrote us a letter so we thought we would include it here.
Dear Sweet Girls-
This has been such a fun and fast year. We have had so many fun trips, adventures and wonderful days learning and growing together. I love watching you explore things for the first time and I love getting a glimpse of the world through your young and innocent eyes. You are such beautiful babies and are becoming beautiful little girls. Kitt, you have such a caring heart and your smile lights up the room. Garet, you are incredibly fun-loving and bring joy into all our lives. I cannot imagine my life without both of you and while I realize that every day I am especially aware of it on this weekend as we celebrate your birthday! I truly did not know that I could love anyone so fully and yet I am able to love both of you totally and unconditionally. There is no greater love that brings such incredible fulfillment as does motherhood, and while I always wanted to be a Mommy, you both continue to amaze me with the amount of joy you bring. So here we are on your birthday and yet, you are giving me the best gift of all....yourselves! I love you both so very much and look forward to another year. Love, Mommy