Monday, August 30, 2010
Hippo Hopping
We had a spontaneous play date today with Bridget and her mommy at HippoHopp which is a big indoor playground. A lot of the things were for big kids but there was an area for babies, too. The first picture below is us playing at our new house and the rest are from HippoHopp.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Kitt, Garet and Emily
We did nothing today....we didn't even leave the house! One of Mommy's favorite books when she was little was about a goose who goofed off one day. She just kept telling her friends that she wasn't doing anything today...instead she was taking it easy. Well, today we were that goose! So we don't disappoint you, though, we thought we would show you some pictures from a few days ago when we went to spend some time with Emily. Isn't she such a good friend? We had a great time with her and here we are!

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Fun in the sun (and shade!)
Today was the play date for the multiples club. Mommy is in charge of events for the club so we were the first ones there and nearly the last ones to leave. We had a fun time playing in the pool and playing with the plastic balls. There were so many kids there of all ages! Here are some pictures from the day. We hope you are enjoying your weekend as much as we are.....

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Slow down....
After many days of running around like crazy ladies, we decided to slow down a little bit today! We only went on one errand with Mommy and on a visit to Emily and her new baby brother's house. Instead we took two nice long naps and even Mommy got a nap today. Kitt is recently obsessed with board books! She even sleeps with one in her hand. This was during her morning nap but she takes one to bed at night, too! Today Garet decided she wanted Kitt's book which did not go over well with Kitt. Good thing for the camera: it always distracts Garet! Garet has decided she likes to try to climb in the swing to play with the strap but she got stuck earlier today. We had a good long visit with Kate and her doggie, Maggie. Of course, we loved Maggie and laughed and laughed when Kate would throw the frisbee for Maggie to catch. It was a relaxing day for the most part!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
10 months....can it be?
Happy 10 month birthday to us! Thank you for those of you who called, emailed or wished us happy birthday on our blog. We can't believe how old we are getting!!!! We did not have a good night last night as Garet took forever to fall asleep and in her crying she woke up Kitt. It then took her a long time to go back to sleep. All that to say Mommy was determined to tire us out today and also not let us take naps too late in the day. We both went to Kitt's physical therapy appointment. Miss Cheryl said she was doing so great and Garet mostly played all over the mat. We also went with Target and walked all over the store getting things Mommy needed. Later in the day we took a really long walk with Mommy and made it all the way to the park where we played on the swing for a little while. We had a new food today: TOFU! We both seemed to like it although Garet seemed to LOVE it. So for those of you who are wondering, we are eating carrots, peaches, prunes, pears, bananas, green peas (YUCK!), and sweet potatoes. Coming next: apples and blueberries.

Monday, August 23, 2010
Back to knitting!
We made it back to knitting tonight (finally!!) We had such a good time and were really excited to see our friends. Karol brought her daughter, Annabette, with her and we hadn't seen her in a while. We both had eye appointments today that went well but sure took a long time! The picture on the bottom is us in our new minivan. We sure do think we're hot stuff in our big captain chairs.

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Today we went to Adeline's 1st birthday party! You will remember that Addie was in the NICU at the same time we were. She has grown so much and is doing so great! It was nice to see her and her parents. You can really tell that Garet was so excited to be at a party. Kitt had a good time, too, but Garet was really into everything going on (as usual!) The party was at a condo near downtown with a great view of the city, don't you think? There's also a picture of Garet trying to get to her new favorite thing: cords! Don't worry....Mommy and Daddy are making it so she can't get to them but she sure does try. We both had a great day but the party had us so excited that we're not sure when we will ever get to bed!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Is that a tooth I see?
Mommy was feeding Garet this morning when she thought she saw a tooth. She waited for Garet to swallow, then saw and felt not one tooth but two teeth! You have to look close in the picture (and maybe even enlarge it) but they are there! Kitt had an eye appointment today that went well and then we went to the grocery store. We met a neighbor who was excited to see us as he had only seen us on the screen. We overheard Mommy telling him that going to the grocery store used to be easier. We are not sure what she meant by that! Mommy had another dinner out tonight so we stayed home and hung out with Daddy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Another new store!
This morning Kitt went to the eye doctor. He said everything looks good, but he sure did take his time seeing her! For our activity today, Mommy took us to IKEA. Have you ever been there? It is an enormous maze of things for your house. We had never seen anything like it! We are always going to new stores....who knew there were this many places in Atlanta? Mommy saw a couple of things that she just couldn't resist buying for us at IKEA, mainly the bright blue mat you see below. Mommy had a meeting tonight so Daddy was in charge! He read to us and took us to the park. It was a great day!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A change in scenery
Mommy had a dentist appointment this morning so we stayed home with Daddy. After Mommy got back we took naps and then went for our daily outing. Mommy was getting bored with the mall so she took us somewhere else. We still went in lots of different stores but we had to keep going outside to get to the next place. Anyway.....later in the day we walked to Walgreen's and spent the rest of the evening at home. We did want to get some pictures up today though!
Monday, August 16, 2010
9 months....check!
So it was a little late due to our extended stay in Florida, but we had our nine month check-up today. We are doing very well and growing quite nicely. For those of you who are curious, here are our measurements:
Kitt: Weight is 17 pounds, 2 ounces; length is 28.5 inches
Garet: Weight is 17 pounds, 8 ounces; length is 29 inches
We are way above average in length even for nine month olds (in other words, the doctor didn't adjust the percentages for our age) and a little below average for weight. We guess that means we will be long and lean like Mommy and Daddy :) We ran some errands with Mommy and played at home. Sorry there are no pictures but maybe tomorrow we will have some to share with you.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
What routine?
So Mommy has been going on and on to us (and also on the blog) about trying to get us back in our normal routine, but apparently she forgot that routine involved taking lots of pictures and logging us in for the blog! Anyway, here we are after a few days off! We haven't been too busy the past couple of days but we did have a very fun surprise last night. Aunt Kristen and Uncle Mark got stranded in Atlanta coming back from a cruise so they came and spent last night with us. We were already asleep when they got here but this morning we were so surprised to see them. They took us all to lunch today which was fun (even though we fell asleep). This afternoon, Mommy and Daddy worked on getting Mommy's square foot garden beds together for fall planting while we watched. It sure looked like hard work! We have a pretty busy week coming up so we're going to get some rest.

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Is that sitting you see?
Mommy realized that although we have been working on our sitting up for quite some time now she hasn't put any pictures of us doing it. So here we are in one of our many new outfits from Granny sitting up. We also wanted to be sure you saw this adorable video that Aunt LeAnn took of Garet playing with Jovi. We had a feeling that our friends at the cupcake store were incredibly worried about us so we walked down there this afternoon with Mommy. We didn't take afternoon naps at all today for some reason so we were really tired tonight. Good night!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I'm a Georgia Peach!
We have been so busy since we got home! We left Pensacola on Sunday morning to drive home to Atlanta. We were sad to tell Granny good-bye, of course, but as usual we will see her next month....we've seen her at least once per month since we've been born! We drove to Montgomery and met Grandpa for lunch since he was on his way back to Pensacola from Atlanta. When we got home Daddy unpacked the car while Mommy went to visit Emily's mommy in the hospital. Now she's not just Emily's mommy but also Richie's daddy, too, because she had another baby. Anyway, we had just been hanging out at home trying to get re-adjusted to being here. We are having a hard time getting back into our routine but we will get there! Today we had such a fun time visiting our Aunt LeAnn at her new house in Macon. You might remember she has been living in California but now she lives just about an hour away. She took us to a peach stand which was a lot of fun. We took some pictures and even got to taste some peach ice cream! Aunt LeAnn has a little doggie that is so cute named Jovi. Garet liked Jovi, but Kitt LOVED him! She wanted to touch him and rub his fur a lot. Mommy does not know how she will be able to say no to a puppy for Kitt one day! Anyway here are some pictures from the peach stand today!
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