Sunday, March 27, 2011
What a week!
Now that we are both getting so mobile, Mommy sure does have her hands full during the day! This week we went to Hippo Hopp with a bunch of other mommies but we did not really stay all in the same place (or even in the same place as each other) which would have made things a little easier for Mommy. We spent a lot of time with Emily and Frankie again this week and even hosted a "come back soon" party for them at our house. Mommy had a birthday this week so we got her a special present: a massage to make her back feel better after lifting the two of us all the time. Speaking of lifting the two of us, Kitt is really getting good at taking steps on her own, and of course, Garet is a little speed demon! On Wednesday we went to Macon to visit Aunt LeAnn and Parker for the Cherry Blossom Festival. Aunt LeAnn took some pictures while we were there but Mommy will have to get them before next week. So our other exciting news for the week is Granny and Grandpa arrived today and they are going to stay for most of the week. Of course, they came with lots of surprises for us! They also brought us a whole flat of strawberries which we both loved. Kitt decided she really liked to eat them whole so she had five or six all on her own. We are all really excited that GAMA is also coming tomorrow. We have not seen her in way over a year so we can't wait! We will have some fun pictures and videos next week......
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Spring is in the air!
We had some fun adventures this week! We went to the library for story time on Monday where we enjoy playing with their toys and singing songs. We had our friend Adeline and her mommy, Cate, over one day. After we played for a little while we all went to the Taqueria for lunch. As you can see in the pictures and the videos, we are really getting good at moving around outside. Kitt will walk as long as someone is touching her (even with just a pinky finger) so we know she will be tearing around like Garet real soon! Mommy had a little mishap with the real video camera this week so the other one will have to do for a while. She's getting much better at editing our videos, don't you think?!?!?

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Will videos suffice?
So Mommy has done a really horrible job taking pictures this week but she has taken some video. She is taking a class for college (we'll go there someday) and she has to edit video for the class so she is using us to practice. (We didn't tell her this but she needs a lot more practice with the editing. We told her it would be a lot easier with an apple computer). Anyway, moving on! We had a fun week. We spent some time with Emily, Frankie and their mommy. We have to get lots of time in with them because they're moving a whole state away pretty soon. Our one trip to Hippo Hopp this week was a bit of a bust because it was packed. Apparently everyone goes there when it's raining. BUT we got our very own bouncy house and there is some video of it below. It is so much fun....we especially love the slide! Kitt got a grocery cart which she loves and we are both learning what animals say even though Mommy only got video of Garet showing off. You might think she needs a little more practice but she does a lot better with it when there is not a camera in her face. We had a really fun day yesterday taking two long walks and hanging out with both Mommy and Daddy. We guess that is it for now. We will see you next weekend hopefully with pictures and some well-edited videos! We will keep working with Mommy on her editing skills :)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Happy Birthday to all!
There were two important birthdays this week. One was Granny but we weren't with her to celebrate. The other was Dr. Seuss!!! We went with Emily, Frankie and their Mommy to Imagine It on his birthday and they had all kinds of festivities. It was lots of fun. As we are getting more mobile, we really seem to enjoy that museum a lot more as you can see in the pictures. We played dress-up, danced in some tap shoes, played in the garden and did some grocery shopping. Mommy was a little worried we were not going to like the characters but we did okay. As expected we went to Hippo Hopp this week but Daddy went, too, which was lots of fun! We had lunch one day with a lady who is going to have twins of her own and we went to the Taqueria not once but twice! We were a little under the weather this week and so was Mommy so we didn't get out and about too too much, but we sure did some exploring. We don't have a lot going on this week so we will see what adventures we find ourselves in. See you then!

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