Sunday, August 28, 2011
Hanging around
We had another fun week with lots of activities! Mommy and Daddy finished some things up in our downstairs playroom and you can see Kitt checking out the mirror! Mommy set up a felt board (we think it's to remind her of her teaching days) and she has stories that we can tell using the pictures from the books. Kitt especially likes to take the pieces out of the bag and put them back in. Garet's comment was "cute" just before she took all of the pieces off and threw them on the floor! We had several play dates this week and got to see some of our friends. Mommy took us to a different park for the first time which we really liked. It has lots and lots of push toys that kids can play with. Kitt liked the car and Garet was warming up her with her bat....look out Chipper Jones! Of course, we went for ice cream a couple of times and even had a trip to Publix. This week holds lots of new adventures for us, including a short visit from Aunt KK and Uncle Mark and also starting school! That's right....we are going to go to a morning program twice a week so we are a little nervous but a lot excited. Next week, we will give you a full report. There is also a fun little video of us hanging out at home. (Note: Mommy wants to go to sleep and the video still wasn't working so she will check again tomorrow. Be patient with her as she learns how to use her new computer!!) Have a great week!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Playdates galore!
We had so many fun play dates this week! We got to meet a new friend and another friend from the neighborhood on Monday, but Mommy didn't take any pictures. We also got to play with AJ, Addie, Parky, Courtney, Lucy, and Eliana. Courtney and Lucy are baby twins that came and had tummy time while we tried to get a hold of their bottles! Eliana is about a year younger than us and she just moved here with her Mommy and Daddy from Texas. Our mommy used to work with her mommy and daddy several years ago so this was everyone's first time getting to see all the babies. We think we are going to be good playmates! Sherri came over one day to help Mommy since she was taking care of us and Parky. Three babies was a lot of work so it was a good thing Sherri came by to help! Daddy finished getting our downstairs play room cleaned up and we were so excited to get back to those toys. You can see Garet learning all about putting shelves together from Daddy. We had a fun visit with Addie as we hadn't seen her in a while. Her mommy made a special lunch that is a recipe from Kenya. Kitt was a big fan of it while Garet liked to dip her chips in it. This week reminded us of how many great friends and play mates we have! We will look forward to seeing you next week.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Back to the grind!
By the looks of the pictures this week we didn't do a whole lot but that's not true. Apparently now that Mommy is on her own most of the days again (now that we're not in Pensacola anymore) she has forgotten how to take great care of us and take pictures! We just think we're going to give her more time to get back in the swing of things. Anyway, we had a very busy week complete with a visit from Aunt LeAnn and Parker (or Parky, as Garet calls him) and a visit from Emily, Frankie, and their mommy and daddy. We got to spend a day with Parker which was lots of fun. Thank goodness Aunt LeAnn took some pictures while they were here. Don't we all look so cute on the bench? We also went and had pizza AND ice cream with Emily, Frankie, their cousins, their mommy and daddy, their aunt and uncle and their grandparents! The cool panda hats are from Karol--all the way from China! Kitt likes wearing hers a lot more than she indicates in the picture below. We also got to see AJ twice this week and even went for ice cream two different times. Don't worry, Poppy; we won't let this take the place of our regular visits to Dairy Queen. Our biggest news of the week is that Kitt is a physical therapy graduate! We will miss seeing Nancy every week but are so glad that Kitt is developing as well as she is. We also started a short series of classes at Gymboree this week. We're still deciding if we like it as we did our own thing instead of participating with the other kids in the class. We'll see how this coming week goes. We have lots of things going on this coming week, too, so we better get ready for it. See you soon!

Sunday, August 7, 2011
A great time, great to be home!
We are finally home! We had such a great time in Pensacola with Granny and Poppy. We will tell you that Garet consistently referred to Granny as Gan Gan all day today but we will see if it sticks. As you can see we had lots of fun in the water during our last week and of course, had a trip or two to Dairy Queen. Garet loves the water now and even jumped from the side of the pool to Mommy or Granny many, many times. We came home today and Kitt was especially excited to see her toy room. In fact, she didn't even want to eat anything....just play with her toys! We are not going to write much because everyone is so tired but we will let the pictures speak for themselves. There is a little video clip of some fun memories. For those of you who have been a part of our night time routine, you know about BoBo! Garet especially loves BoBo, the Baby Signs Bear and gets so excited everytime she sees him on our nightly video. Mommy loves Garet's reaction at the end when she realizes BoBo is gone for the night. Sorry that part is a little jumpy on the video but Kitt wanted to help and she is still perfecting her videography skills! Anyway, to Granny and Poppy, thank you so much for everything you did for us these past three weeks, such as all the groceries, ice cream, laundry, etc, etc, but most importantly the time you spent with us and the love you showed us. We know Mommy enjoyed the extra help and Daddy was glad all three of his girls were in such good hands. We love you very much and love all the time we get to spend together. Mommy and Daddy often say they wish you lived closer, and we must say, we sure do agree with them! Our next visit to see you or your next visit to see us can't come soon enough! To everyone else, we hope your summer adventures have been as fun as ours. We will see you next week....

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