What a fun week! Granny arrived on Monday to help Mommy get ready for the birthday party. She was so much help to Mommy and of course, we had a great time with her. We went to the NICU on Wednesday to see some of the people who took care of us for so long. Mommy didn't take one picture that day but everyone was so glad to see us there. Grammy and Granddaddy stopped by for a little bit on Friday night to deliver some birthday gifts. This week was full of surprises. Poppy was supposed to arrive on Friday night but instead he came on Thursday night with Aunt Kristen. Also Uncle Mark came, too, on Thursday. Uncle Mark and Poppy got stuck with having to put our new playhouse together. It took them all day but it sure was worth it (at least we think so). The biggest surprise was a little bit into our party Uncle Michael walked in the door. No one except GAMA had any idea he was coming so we were all so surprised. The only bad part about the weekend was that Kitt was sick so Mommy had to take her to the doctor the day of the party. She seems to be feeling a lot better now so we are all glad for that. Most of our closest friends came to our party and we are so glad to be loved by so many people. Mommy made a video of the year so you can check it out below. Mommy also wrote us a letter so we thought we would include it here.
Dear Sweet Girls-
This has been such a fun and fast year. We have had so many fun trips, adventures and wonderful days learning and growing together. I love watching you explore things for the first time and I love getting a glimpse of the world through your young and innocent eyes. You are such beautiful babies and are becoming beautiful little girls. Kitt, you have such a caring heart and your smile lights up the room. Garet, you are incredibly fun-loving and bring joy into all our lives. I cannot imagine my life without both of you and while I realize that every day I am especially aware of it on this weekend as we celebrate your birthday! I truly did not know that I could love anyone so fully and yet I am able to love both of you totally and unconditionally. There is no greater love that brings such incredible fulfillment as does motherhood, and while I always wanted to be a Mommy, you both continue to amaze me with the amount of joy you bring. So here we are on your birthday and yet, you are giving me the best gift of all....yourselves! I love you both so very much and look forward to another year. Love, Mommy
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Not really cooperating!
We're sure the title of this blog has you thinking, "Surely whoever is typing is not talking about us!!!" We went to two fall festivals on Saturday and refused to put on our costumes! The first one had a costume parade and prizes but we didn't seem to care. Instead, Garet wanted to play in the bounce house the whole time and Kitt wanted to sit at the craft table and draw the whole time. Good thing Mommy brought a helper! Speaking of costumes, Garet was not too happy when the Chick-Fil-A cow showed up. In fact she was yelling for the cow to go and telling it bye! We also went to the fall festival at the place where Mommy used to work. Lots of people were excited to see Mommy and meet us for the first time. A few of the older ladies commented "They look so much alike they could be twins." We think the must have forgotten that we are twins! Also, with not cooperating in mind we had planned to go to the Botanical Gardens with AJ on Friday but the weather was a little too cold for Mommy's liking so we played here instead. The first pictures are from our trip to get pizza. There is a place here that has gluten and egg free crust that Kitt can eat and we both love it. We did get to see Aunt LeAnn for a little while on Saturday and she went with us to a party Saturday night. That's about it for this week but most of you know we have a big week coming up as we will turn two on Tuesday! We have lots of family coming to town starting tomorrow and not leaving until the middle of the following week so we know it will make for a fun time. We will see you next week with some pictures from our party.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Pumpkin Pickin'
As you can see in the pictures Mommy thought it would be a fun idea to take us to a pumpkin patch. There are several in the area but most of the actual farms are over an hour away. She thought about going all that way but instead decided on a patch of "already picked" pumpkins at a local church. It's a good thing that's what we did! Garet started crying as soon as we got there when she saw a big cardboard black kitty cat. She didn't like the pumpkins either at first but eventually warmed up to them. Kitt could have cared less about the pumpkins...she just wanted to wear the camera bag around her neck. Oh well! Maybe next year we will get a little bit more into the Halloween spirit....or maybe not :) We did some other fun things this week, too. On Friday we went to the Taqueria with Mommy and Karol. It had been a long time since we were there. You could tell everyone missed us but they kept talking about how big we had gotten! We even ordered our food off the menu instead of eating what Mommy brought us. Well, Garet ate, and Kitt played with her chips and dip (salsa). We got to see Parker on Monday but neither Mommy nor Aunt LeAnn took any pictures! He is walking now; it won't be long before he is running around with us. You can also see Kitt's new raincoat in the video where she is rocking away. Even Miss Nancy at school couldn't get her to take it off! That's about it for us this week. Of course, we have some fun things planned for this week, too, and will update you next week.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Choo Choo
We had another fun week with lots of different activities! We had some play dates with some friends. We also had a fun weekend with our Aunt Bernadette. She played with us and even came along for music class. Garet has been talking about riding a choo choo for a week now so we finally went to ride one. We both liked it but she isn't talking about riding anymore--not sure why. While we were at the mall we also saw a fire truck with real fire fighters. They had hats for us which we wouldn't wear while we were there but we like wearing them around the house. There are lots of pictures of us hanging out at home with Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Bernadette. There is also a little video of Garet telling who she wants to hug! We hope you have a fun week. We are hoping for some fun things to do and are hoping we get to see Aunt LeAnn and Parky tomorrow!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Busy little girls!
We had so many fun activities this week! As you can see, our surprise visitors were Emily, Frankie and their mommy. We did some of our favorite things together: bagels in the morning, the zoo and Maddio's Pizza for lunch. It was a great day! Kitt really liked the petting zoo, but as you may have guessed, Garet stood behind Kate's leg the whole time. We also got to play at the playground at the zoo, too. We had fun playing the drums and driving the bus. Back at home, Kitt had a lot of fun playing with Mommy's newspaper and going through the coupons. Garet tried to help some, too. Another special treat this week was going to Bruster's for ice cream. While it might not be the same as Dairy Queen with Poppy, the ice cream is free, it has sprinkles and they have a big sandbox where you can play after you eat your ice cream. We are still in music class and this week Ms. Jennifer had a lot of drums for us to play. School is going well, and we seem to enjoy it more and more every day. We had our pictures taken today for our 2nd birthday, but we were less than cooperative! We are going to try again later this week to see if we can be a little more cooperative. We will let you know how it goes next week. Until then, have a great week!

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