How old are we?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

See you later and thanks!

Well Granny left today. Mommy was really sad to see her go, and we guess we are, too, but we don't really know what good-bye means quite yet. Mommy says no one will give as good as baths and talk to us as much as Granny and we don't think anyone will take as good of care of Mommy and do as much around the house as Granny did. We know we will see her again real soon though! Here are some pictures of our month with Granny even though you've already seen most of them.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A day in the life....

Hi Everyone! We know it's been several days since we wrote but we have been so busy eating and taking really long walks. Some of you have been asking about what a day is like in our life so we thought we would tell you about it. We wake up around 6:00AM and we eat but then we go right back to sleep (so Mommy and Daddy can, too). Then we get up at 9:00 again for our second breakfast and another nap. Sometimes for this nap, we stay in the living room and sit in our swing, our bouncy seat or on the mat for tummy time. At noon we eat lunch and take a walk. We have a really hilly neighborhood so Mommy or Granny gets a good workout pushing us! We usually walk for about an hour. Today we walked to the Taqueria in the neighborhood and sat on the patio while Mommy and Granny ate, then we walked to Rite-Aid and Walgreen's. Our friend Emily was out walking with her Mommy, too, so we said hello to her. By then it's about 3:00 and we eat again followed by our afternoon nap (and Mommy and Granny's as well). At 6:00 we eat dinner and go to bed. My (Garet's) favorite time of day is up next when we take a bath, listen to Mommy or Daddy read us a story and then eat for the last time (the last scheduled time that is). We usually wake up once or twice during the night but we are getting better at going back to sleep, whereas we weren't good at that when we first came home. Last night, we had a special person reading to us. Grandpa read us our story via Skype! It was fun to see him but we got a little irritable (probably because we were hungry)! Oh, in other news I (Garet) weighed 8 pounds last night! Isn't that incredible......from 2 pounds, 9 ounces to 8 pounds? Not surprising since I am eating about 5 ounces of milk at each feeding now. I (Kitt) have been at 7 pounds, 11 ounces for almost a week now but then again it still hurts to eat. Mommy is taking me to the doctor tomorrow to talk about it so we will see what solution they come up with. Until later.......

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday to us!

So can you believe we are three months old today? It is such a miracle that we are alive and well today! We know that so many of you have been praying for us, asking about us, and encouraging Mommy and Daddy in lots of ways. Mommy has told us all about you and we cannot wait to meet each and every one of you. We know that you all will continue to pray for us, love us, support us, and encourage us throughout our lives. Look at how far we have come. The first picture is us the first time Mommy got to hold us both together (Nov 7...two weeks old) and the second picture is of us today on our 3 month birthday! When we were born we each weighed 3 pounds or less. Last night we each weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces or more......

Thursday, January 21, 2010

More pictures

So Grandpa also took some pictures while he was here and you can see them by clicking this link:

We think they are especially good!

Keeping you posted

So Mommy took us off the internet for a few days after she caught us trading stocks online (thanks for teaching us how to do that, GAMA)! Anyway, we are back on now with a few things to update.

We were really sad to see GAMA and Grandpa leave. It was so nice having extra people to love on us for the long weekend and hope to see them again soon. Meanwhile, Granny and Mommy have been taking us on long walks everyday and we have been meeting a few neighbors (from a distance, of course, until flu season is over). We both went to the doctor today for weight checks and to have blood drawn for some labs. Because we were so early we don't have the right levels to ensure good bone development so that is what they were checking today. That is also why Mommy has to fortify her milk with certain things so we will grow strong and healthy bones. As for the weight gains, check this out. I (Garet) weight 7 pounds and 10 ounces, only .5 ounces less than my sister! Can you believe that? That's what happens when you inherit Mommy's appetite :) There are some pictures below of us at the doctor. They have these really bright red walls with a monkey painted on them. We both really like the red and I (Garet) seemed to be talking to the monkey. I (Kitt) had a little procedure done on my eye earlier this week and the doctors are still a little confused as to what it is. It seems to worry other people a lot more than it bothers me. In fact, it doesn't really bother me at all.

You might remember that Mommy, Daddy and Granny had a visit from "Moms on Call" and she talked about getting us in a routine. We did really well last night, eating at 9:00PM, waking up at 1:00AM to eat again, and then we had to be woken up at 7:00AM mainly to go to the doctor. We went ahead and ate anyway then.

That's about all we have to tell you today but we will leave you with some pictures from the past few days. Enjoy! If you want to see all the pictures from the past few days, check them out at Snapfish.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thanks LeAnn and Kate

It's me, Garet. I wanted you all to see me playing on my ocean floor mat! I sat and watched the lights, talking (or cooing) away for about 30 or 40 minutes. I loved it! It was a gift from Kate and LeAnn and I wanted to be sure everyone saw how much I am enjoying it.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Visitors, Christmas, Baths, Oh My!

So we know we have been noticeably absent from our blog lately but we have been so busy eating and sleeping. We have had a lot going on the past few days, including a couple of family members visiting, several walks in the neighborhood, a doctor's appointment, and our first Christmas! Mommy's Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Gene were passing through town so they got to see us and also our GAMA came to town on the train all the way from New York! She is staying with us for several days and is helping Mommy and Daddy with us. Well, you can look at the pictures to see how much help she is being! Grandpa also came up to spend the weekend with us. On one of our walks Granny and GAMA took me (Garet) to the Walgreen's and lots of people were asking to take me home! I'm glad they didn't give me away. I (Kitt) have been to the doctor to check about my reflux and I got put on new medicine. I also went to an eye specialist to see about the problem with my eye. Christmas was fun! We got to open our presents and have our picture taken by the tree. Mommy insisted on keeping it up until we came home and then waiting until Grandpa and GAMA were here to see us open our presents. Okay, so enough talk....let's get to the pictures from the past few days!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pictures speak 1000 words!

So we thought we would just put in some pictures today and tell you the highlights. Mommy and Granny are getting used to the new routine that the lady helped with yesterday, but they do not like having to wake us up when we are sleeping so well just for us to eat. Granny got some time to hold both of us together usually while waiting for Mommy to do something like fix us a bottle. You might remember that we went home on various forms of fortified milk depending on who is getting the bottle and which feeding it is. Mommy says she feels like a chemist just getting our meals ready to eat. The picture of us in our car seats is from after our walk. Being in the fresh air wore us out! We just stayed right there in those seats and took our nap. In the third picture from the bottom, Garet is trying to eat my (Kitt's) fingers....she was just that hungry! Speaking on hands, I (Garet) can't stand having my hands out of my sight. When we first started getting swaddled up real tight, I was like a magician and somehow still got my hands free! You can see the picture at the bottom. Finally, there is the picture of us in our swimsuits. Now we know it is not summertime but today is our Aunt LeAnn's birthday; she and Mommy have been friends since they lived in Florida so that one is in honor of her birthday. Okay, that is all for us for now. We will see you later!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Baby Whisperer

Sorry we forgot to update you on our doctor's appointment last night. Mommy was worn out from hardly sleeping at all the night before to log us on. We both gained weight! I (Kitt) only gained 2.5 ounces in 4 days which is really not enough but then again, I haven't been eating much. Mommy called the doctor today and got my Zantac dosage increased by a little bit and Dr. Grandpa gave Mommy a suggestion on when to give the medicine. I can't say the problem has been solved but maybe it is getting better. I (Garet) gained 7 whole ounces in 4 days which is way more than they expected. Nothing wrong with my appetite! Yesterday we also went for a walk outside! Daddy was worried we would get too cold but it was so nice to get some fresh air. Check out our nice new baby stroller from Granny's Chat 'n Chew friends! We had a visit today from the Baby Whisperer! She is a pediatric nurse with 5 kids of her own and she has all these ideas on how to create routines and good habits for healthy babies. So far we are doing well with all that she taught Mommy, Daddy, and Granny. We don't really like getting our arms swaddled in but I guess we will get used to it. Alright, Mommy only took a couple of pictures yesterday but here they are. We don't have any plans tomorrow so maybe we will go on another walk with Mommy and Granny. They figured out that pushing us in the stroller involves pushing 105 pounds AND it's a very hilly neighborhood!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Smile please!

Mommy and Granny had fun today taking random pictures of the two of us. We had an official photo shoot so there will be more pictures to come but these are of us getting ready for it and resting afterwards.

We are going to the doctor tomorrow to get our weights re-checked. I (Kitt) am backsliding into my old habits of eating so pray that I will figure it out again and start gaining weight so they don't put me in the hospital. We'll let you know how tomorrow's appointment goes. Enjoy the pictures from today!