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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo

We had a slow day. We weren't quite synchronized with our schedules this morning so Mommy and Granny weren't able to take us anywhere this morning. We hung out around the house: we played, slept, read, ate....the usual. Later in the day a lady named Miss Michelle came to visit us. We sure did like listening to her talk! Later in the day we went with Mommy, Granny and Aunt Kristen to the store. Granny bought a new outfit or two for Mommy and Aunt Kristen for the party this weekend. Even us babies celebrated Cinco de Mayo today. Aunt Kristen went out and got Mexican food for Mommy and Granny to have for dinner tonight. Granny went up to take a bath while we were still napping and Mommy figured that since Granny was already in the water we could take a bath with her. So we did! Once we were in bed, Mommy went to get some really great deals at Publix (thanks Southern Savers) so Grandpa was in charge. We were really good for him and didn't make a peep! That was about it for today.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi~ It's Cousin Sue from Jersey! I just found the link to your blog from an email my mom sent me like months ago! I finally had a quick minute at work to check it out! You guys are soooo beautiful and are getting soooo big!!
    Congrats to your mom & dad on you both and am so glad that you are doing sooo well!!
    Happy 1st Mother's Day Brittany!! Love, Sue
