How old are we?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday already?

Where has this week gone? We have been so busy....not really doing all that much, but just busy! Today Mommy brought out the Cat in the Hat and Garet seemed very intrigued by him. She was telling him all kinds of stories and even hugging on him. Mommy also brought out the doorway jumper. We're not quite big enough or strong enough to really jump in it just yet, but it works as a swing for now. Of course we went for a walk again today. There is a picture of us before we left (sunglasses in place) and also one when we got home. We are doing okay with our baby food but still needing some practice. Today we added squash so we have had sweet potatoes, applesauce and squash. Garet is getting really great at rolling over and goes from back to tummy without any thought now. Kitt rolled from her tummy to her back tonight all by herself! That's about it for now but Mommy had a really hard time deciding on what pictures to use because there were so many so you can see the rest of them here.


  1. I so enjoyed your pictures. Grandpa and I are at the kitchen table with our individual computers, and I keep commenting about each picture to him. They are all so great, but I do hope Kitt learns to keep her fingers out of her mouth while she's eating! I did find it amusing to see where the sunglasses "ended up" at the end of the walk. I'm looking forward to seeing you in less than a week. Much love from Granny

  2. Love all the pictures, especially the jumpers! You'll get the hang out it-- look at how well you are doing with your food!

  3. You girls look like little divas in your sunglasses and your flipflop outfits. How adorable. Wow, Kitt, great job on turning over all by yourself!

    I loved all the pics. in the album. You both sure are cute when you are eating your baby food.

    Love, GAMA
