Mommy has been talking to us some about how special this Thanksgiving was. You might remember that last Thanksgiving, Mommy and Daddy drove to South Carolina for a big dinner but we were still in the NICU. If you're curious you can read all about it here. This time last year we weighed 8 pounds combined! Mommy was thinking about how she could hardly get through the meal last year without crying and this year we were crawling all over the place. Truly we have so much to be thankful for! We are thankful for each and every one of you who has asked about us, worried about us, prayed for us, loved us, encouraged our parents and who have believed in us all along. Thank you for being a part of our journey.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had such a fun week in South Carolina and a wonderful Thanksgiving! We hope you did, too. We spent the first few days of the week hanging out at Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Gene's house with Mommy and Daddy. Most of the grown-ups worked during the days so we played with Mommy and took walks. Basically we did the usual but in a different state. Then on Wednesday Granny and Grandpa arrived. We had such a fun time hanging out with them and all of the other relatives, too. We had a big dinner for Thanksgiving and got to wear our special bibs that Sandy sent us. Notice that Garet is really warming up to Grandpa! We got to try ice cream and you can see how much we enjoyed it! Kitt is really getting good at standing up and Garet is even starting to take steps along the couch.
Mommy has been talking to us some about how special this Thanksgiving was. You might remember that last Thanksgiving, Mommy and Daddy drove to South Carolina for a big dinner but we were still in the NICU. If you're curious you can read all about it here. This time last year we weighed 8 pounds combined! Mommy was thinking about how she could hardly get through the meal last year without crying and this year we were crawling all over the place. Truly we have so much to be thankful for! We are thankful for each and every one of you who has asked about us, worried about us, prayed for us, loved us, encouraged our parents and who have believed in us all along. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Mommy has been talking to us some about how special this Thanksgiving was. You might remember that last Thanksgiving, Mommy and Daddy drove to South Carolina for a big dinner but we were still in the NICU. If you're curious you can read all about it here. This time last year we weighed 8 pounds combined! Mommy was thinking about how she could hardly get through the meal last year without crying and this year we were crawling all over the place. Truly we have so much to be thankful for! We are thankful for each and every one of you who has asked about us, worried about us, prayed for us, loved us, encouraged our parents and who have believed in us all along. Thank you for being a part of our journey.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
More family!
This week was a little boring because we didn't get to do too much. Monday and Tuesday were cold and rainy and then Kitt got an ear infection! We have all been trying to make sure she was feeling better so we could make our trip to South Carolina. We did get together with Emily, Frankie and their mommy but other than that, we did very little. Then on Saturday morning we came to South Carolina. Mommy's cousin, Joan, was getting married. This was our first wedding, well, sort of. Daddy was worried we were going to make noise at the wedding so we stayed on the porch of the reception site and then went to Great Aunt Bonnie's house. We got to meet lots of new relatives these past couple of days which has been fun. In the picture with Garet and Great Aunt Trina, Great Aunt Trina is talking to Granny. We think she was trying to make Granny a little jealous! Speaking of jealous, it seems like David is trying to make Grandpa jealous in showing her sitting in David's lap! We are looking forward to a fun week in a new place with new stores to see and with Thanksgiving to celebrate!

Sunday, November 14, 2010
One fish, two fish, a million fish!
We told you we had a big week planned last week so here it is. On Monday we went with Emily and Frankie (and their Mommy, of course) to the Georgia Aquarium. It is the largest aquarium in the wouldn't believe this place! We had a really fun time there and saw lots of fish. We even say a gator. For some reason we were expecting it to be orange and blue but this one was white. We went to Einstein's Bagels with Emily, Frankie and their mommy twice this week and got to meet Mommy's cake decorating teacher there. The last time Mommy saw him, we were still in her tummy. We were supposed to go down to Macon and meet Parker but Kitt got a runny nose and Mommy didn't want us to be responsible for giving such a new baby a cold. We might try again this week. Yesterday we had a really fun day, too as it was Emily's 2nd birthday party. There were lots of games for the big kids but Emily's Mimi and Aunt Martha walked us around the cake walk game. Almost every day this week we have been on the swing set and we love it! Most days, Emily and Frankie came down to swing, too or we went on walks. Our friend Jillian came over on Tuesday and we all walked to the taqueria for lunch. We spent a lot of time with Daddy this weekend as Mommy wanted to rest which we loved! There are a couple of real short videos that we thought you might like. Garet has just started doing this new thing after she takes a bite of food where she does a little dance. Mommy tried to get it on video. The second one is Kitt practicing crawling. She is getting so much better even since the video was taken.

Sunday, November 7, 2010
What a week!
We tried and tried to get Mommy to take more pictures this week, but there are not many. We told her the only way to make up for that would be to add some video so there are three videos to watch! So we have had a busy week indeed. On Monday we went on errand after errand and were so tired. When we were at the Dollar Store, Mommy was paying and Garet reached over and pulled down the whole box of Kit Kat bars. As if that wasn't bad enough, while Mommy was cleaning that mess up Garet reached over and pulled the whole box of Junior Mints down!!! On Tuesday we went to the polls and voted! Mommy really wanted to take a picture of us in there, but there were signs everywhere that said no pictures. Oh well! Another time during the week, we walked up to Walgreen's. We were walking around minding our own business when this lady came up and said "Well, that's a boy and a girl for sure!!!" Mommy was a little more disturbed by this comment than we were but she set her straight. At the end of the week, Mommy had to leave for a day AND a night! She went to be with Aunt LeAnn at the hospital for the birth of her baby, Parker Wesley Johns. We haven't met him yet but we are sure we will be good friends one day soon! Daddy took great care of us while Mommy was gone, but we sure did miss her. We have some exciting things planned for this week so stay tuned to read about them next weekend.

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