How old are we?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summertime is here to stay (we hope)!

Summertime is here for sure and we are loving it! We had a couple of playdates this week which we always enjoy. (We think Mommy really looks as forward to them as we do because she gets to talk to other Mommies!!!) The first one was with our friend Castalia where we played in the sprinkler, with bubbles and with sidewalk chalk. She has a house that we enjoyed playing in. Garet even decided she would climb through the window!!! Kitt's physical therapist gave her some special inserts (with a big name we can't remember) to help her walk. They work great! Kitt has to wear shoes with socks now so we got to break out our One Fish Two Fish shoes that Auntie Kristin gave us for our birthday. We are glad they finally fit us. You can see that Garet has taken a liking to the baby. In fact she has a few books where she always goes to look for a baby. Kitt likes to play with Morris the Moose, the puppet. She even talks a little bit with him on her hand! Mommy won us the "Love Bug" shirts earlier in the year and we wanted to be sure you got to see them. In the spirit of "Love Bugs" Mommy tried to get us to kiss so you can see the best version of that kiss below. You can also see that as we get older we are getting to be helpful. Kitt helped with the diapers and Garet helped organize the cabinet where Mommy keeps the bottles. We also got to have ketchup for the first time. Check out the picture and see if you can decide who liked it better?!?! We had such a great weekend going to the Decatur Arts Festival where Kitt played in the sand box and also at our own little pool at home. That's about it for right now. Tomorrow is a holiday so we plan on giving Mommy and Daddy a day off, too :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back to the grind

We are back at home, all safe and sound! The trip back to Atlanta from Pensacola was a lot better than the one down there. Mommy and Daddy found a playground near Auburn that was great! We had lunch there and played for about an hour before we had to get back in our car seats for the rest of the trip. Lucky for Mommy and Daddy we got right back on our normal sleeping schedule of 13 hours at night and a two hour nap! On Tuesday we got to spend some time with Parker. His mommy, Aunt LeAnn, went out for a girls' day with Mommy which meant we stayed here with two babysitters. What a fun time we had! Unfortunately, Mommy didn't take any pictures. Maybe Aunt LeAnn did?!?! We are back to music class and even got two sessions this week to make up for one we missed. We also got to see Nanny again which was nice. We had missed seeing her and liked having her back while Mommy took a little break. Why anyone would ever want a break from us is beyond comprehension, isn't it? On Friday we had a play date with our friends Madi, Alana and their Daddy. We had so much fun playing in the park. We also had another play date at that same park but with kids a little older than us. We weren't quite sure what to do around the bigger kids. Maybe next week we will warm up to them a little bit more! On Saturday, when we woke up from our naps, Daddy had set up a great surprise for us: the pool and our sand/water table! We were so excited to see it all and had such a fun time playing outside. He even had music on for us to listen to when we got out there. The last two pictures are us in some of the new dresses GAMA sent. We think they're beautiful, and Mommy agrees, but she also thinks we are starting to look more like little girls and less like babies! We hope you have as fun a week as we will have.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Here, there, everywhere!

We were so busy this week at Granny and Grandpa's house! One day we went to the mall and took a class at Gymboree. It was fun and we got to play with lots of other kids. We are going to give it a try when we get home, too. We spent lots of time playing around the house and at the park. We also got to visit with Auntie Kristin a few times and Uncle Mark one time. He even brought Kitt a phone to play with since she likes them so much! Kitt got her stitch out and everyone was very glad, especially Kitt because it meant she could play in the water again. We went to the beach one day with Mommy and Granny. Kitt kept inching farther and farther in! She also loved the sand while Garet was not so sure. We were both sure of one thing: we loved the sweet potato fries at the burger joint where we went after playing at the beach. One day we went with Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa to the Naval Air Museum. We liked looking at the big planes, but our favorite part was playing with the Legos and climbing the stairs! Granny and Grandpa babysat for us two nights. Once was so Mommy and Auntie Kristin could go out for dinner and the other was so Mommy and Daddy could go out to celebrate their anniversary. They did a great job, of course! As always we had such a fun time at Granny and Grandpa's and will miss them tomorrow when we go home. Our next trip isn't long from now and might be even longer than this one. Hopefully the car ride back tomorrow will go better than the ride down. We will let you know next week!