We were so busy this week at Granny and Grandpa's house! One day we went to the mall and took a class at Gymboree. It was fun and we got to play with lots of other kids. We are going to give it a try when we get home, too. We spent lots of time playing around the house and at the park. We also got to visit with Auntie Kristin a few times and Uncle Mark one time. He even brought Kitt a phone to play with since she likes them so much! Kitt got her stitch out and everyone was very glad, especially Kitt because it meant she could play in the water again. We went to the beach one day with Mommy and Granny. Kitt kept inching farther and farther in! She also loved the sand while Garet was not so sure. We were both sure of one thing: we loved the sweet potato fries at the burger joint where we went after playing at the beach. One day we went with Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa to the Naval Air Museum. We liked looking at the big planes, but our favorite part was playing with the Legos and climbing the stairs! Granny and Grandpa babysat for us two nights. Once was so Mommy and Auntie Kristin could go out for dinner and the other was so Mommy and Daddy could go out to celebrate their anniversary. They did a great job, of course! As always we had such a fun time at Granny and Grandpa's and will miss them tomorrow when we go home. Our next trip isn't long from now and might be even longer than this one. Hopefully the car ride back tomorrow will go better than the ride down. We will let you know next week!

Hello girlfriends! Mom says I get to see you tomorrow and I'm so excited. Do you think we can have some of those yummy looking sweet potato fries? Looks like you all had fun in Florida but I'm ready for you to be back home. See you soon! Love, Parker
ReplyDeleteHello Girls, It is "so quiet" at my house, and I don't like it! I miss your smiles and I miss your giggles; however, I don't miss washing diapers! Only kidding! What will Grandpa and I do tonight with you two not running around playing "peek a boo" with us? It was so much fun having you here, and I'll be counting the days until you come back. Love you lots, Granny