This week we got to be chefs! Mommy took us to this place called Bean Work Play Cafe and ths week they were having Chef's Day. We got to make salad, butter, and our very favorite: homemade vanilla ice cream! It was a lot of fun and some new experiences for us both. We also took Kitt to have her hearing checked. She passed with flying colors. Unfortunately, she has an ear infection now but we know she will be on the mend soon and will be back to herself any day now. We are still enjoying school and come home very dirty on days we paint. After taking many weeks off, story time at the library resumed this week. We were glad to be back! After story time several of us kids talked our mommies into taking us to the park to play. It was a fun day! We also went to Hippo Hopp and had a great time there, as usual. There is a cute little video showing off some of our activities from the week, including Garet practicing saying "Granny", but not a lot of pictures. You will see our tutus that we have taken a liking to! Alright, we hope you have a great week.
Hi Girls! I enjoyed reading about your week's activities and viewing your photos and video. I'm happy you are enjoying pre-school and all of your other activities. It looked like you were learning lots of "dishes" from the chef and I especially liked the way you set your table for that eloquent dining experience. Kitt, I hope you are feeling better now and that your ear infection has cleared up. By the way, was it "raining bubbles" on your back porch? Was it fun runninig through the bubbles and feeling them pop on your faces? I might add that you both look very cute in your tu-tu's. Well, I'd better run for now. I think about you daily and look forward to seeing you again for your upcoming birthday. Love you lots! Poppy.
Kitt and Garet, What a treat to see your blog. I especially liked the video where Garet is rubbing Kitt's head and calling her cute! She really is cute even though she is wearing her sweater backwards in the video! She truly has a very unique fasjion sense! I think I would like to join your cooking class - do they allow grannys to attend? Thank you Garet for calling me Granny instead of GanGan! Have fun this week at school and don't forget to wear your smocks when you paint!!!! Love you, Granny
I am a new mom of two beautiful baby girls who decided to come into the world 11 weeks early. They are home now after 72 days in the NICU, but I am going to continue to use this blog to share their lives with you. Feel free to comment or just follow us in our lives!
Hi Girls! I enjoyed reading about your week's activities and viewing your photos and video. I'm happy you are enjoying pre-school and all of your other activities. It looked like you were learning lots of "dishes" from the chef and I especially liked the way you set your table for that eloquent dining experience. Kitt, I hope you are feeling better now and that your ear infection has cleared up. By the way, was it "raining bubbles" on your back porch? Was it fun runninig through the bubbles and feeling them pop on your faces? I might add that you both look very cute in your tu-tu's. Well, I'd better run for now. I think about you daily and look forward to seeing you again for your upcoming birthday. Love you lots! Poppy.
ReplyDeleteKitt and Garet, What a treat to see your blog. I especially liked the video where Garet is rubbing Kitt's head and calling her cute! She really is cute even though she is wearing her sweater backwards in the video! She truly has a very unique fasjion sense! I think I would like to join your cooking class - do they allow grannys to attend? Thank you Garet for calling me Granny instead of GanGan! Have fun this week at school and don't forget to wear your smocks when you paint!!!! Love you, Granny