How old are we?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Seeing Red

So we have not had any more visitors lately but we have been busy around the house eating and growing! Mommy wanted us to be able to watch the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics last night but they started later than she thought. There are pictures of us below "waiting" for them to start . When we were first born, Mommy's friend Courtney (who came to visit us earlier in the week) brought us the red outfits in the picture below. They are not specifically for Valentine's Day (we will wear those outfits tomorrow) but Mommy thought all the red was appropriate for the day. Aren't we cute in them? This is also Mommy's attempt on having us sit up on the couch. We are progressing well but not that well! Mommy went and got her toes done today so Daddy had us on his own. Great job, Daddy! We will see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, girls those are some very lovely outfits that Courtney gave you! You look adorable. I didn't see any of the Olympics either. Too bad!
