How old are we?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hot outside

We went for two walks today! The first one wasn't very long....Mommy got pushing and realized how very hot it was so she brought us back. Good thing she took us out again later. Nanny was here this morning and then Mommy's friend, Brittany, came to visit. She brought us hand-knitted socks! Most of the day we hung out at home and played. There aren't too many pictures from today but we thought you would at least like to see what we were wearing. Thanks for checking in on us!

1 comment:

  1. Of COURSE you have to show us what you're wearing and of COURSE you both look absolutely beautiful in your adorable outfits. Garet, I think I recognize your blue flower dress as one that your Uncle Michael and I got at the consignment sale. And, Kitt, I sure am glad your Mommy included a close-up of what your bloomers look like! :) You're both looking more and more gorgeous each and every day, and I can't wait to see, very soon, how beautiful (and big) you've become! XOXOXOXOXOX
