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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Check out our map

Mommy has made a map showing all of the people who are praying for us. Check it out and let her know if you don't see a dot where you live so she can add it.


  1. That is SO cool! How amazing to know your girls are being prayed for by so many so often! If you think about it, with different time zones and all, they probably don't go long at all without a prayer being offered on their behalf. Neat! :)

    --Amy Fitzgerald

  2. Just want you to know you can add the Crittendens in Efland, NC to the prayer map. Congratulations on the birth of your baby girls - so precious! We look forward to following your blog and watching their progress. We hope to get down that way in the next few months and will make it a point to stop by and see you.

    -Betsy Crittenden

  3. The Hartmans are praying for you in Pittsburgh, PA!
